
ups uniterruptable power output

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ups uniterruptable power output为短语/超纲词汇

ups uniterruptable power output

不间断电源(或称UPS,即 Uninterruptible Power Supply)是在电网异常(如停电、欠压、干扰或浪涌“也称:涌浪电流”)的情况下不间断的为电器负载设备提供后备交流电源,维持电器正常运作的设备。通常情况下不间断电源被用于维持计算机(尤其是服务器)或交换机等关键性商用设备或精密仪器的不间断运行,防止计算机数据丢失,电话通信网络中断或仪器失去控制。
1. Energy from nuclear power plants is steadily increasing but the problem of dangerous waste limits growth in many regions.

2. Birds have the power to fly.

3. Between twelve and eighty years we gradually lose this power;

4. But it was also the era of Sputnik, of nuclear power and the green revolution.

5. But after independence, leaders jealous to protect their power shut them out of politics,

6. But as a woman's power is still strongly perceived to be tied up with the ability to bear children, ageing demonstrates to the world her decline, her uselessness for her primary function.

7. Where alternative sources of power are available there are some marked contrasts in handling.
    凡是能源有选择余地的地方, 在处理方面有些显著的差别.

8. We have to ask ourselves very seriously what will happen if this twofold use of knowledge, with its ever-increasing power,continues.

9. Water from the dams can make electricity, called hydroelectricity since it is made from water power.

10. The engineer accelerates a train by turning on more power .
